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1. Dandelion Droplets – Merit
This image has great initial impact, and good clarity and sharpness.
I find the left hand side of the image more appealing than the right, which looks a little too cluttered.
The part of the dandelion on the left hand border, needs a little more space, similar to the lower part of the image.
I would have preferred a slightly shallower depth of field, as the background grasses are a little too dominant in the image.
2. Time for tea – Highly Commended
The rich colour palate of this image is very appealing
The use of soft emotive side lighting and the dark background, accentuate the different textures.
For me, there are a few too many elements in this image, I think you could have done away with the apple and grapes on the left hand side
3. Mount Aoraki – Honours
The inclusion of triangular shapes , and repeating patterns, make this a breath taking image.
The soft green on the right contrasts beautifully with the golden tones on the mountain.
There is enough detail in the whites and sharpness throughout the image
The soft grey cloud adds another texture and gives the image a feeling of serenity.
4. G Day – Honours
A great capture of character with good detail in the gentleman’s beard and skin .The subject is also engaging well with the photographer
Well chosen monochrome treatment
I would have preferred to see a little more of his hand holding the drink, I feel the fingers look slightly chopped off. Being right on the edge of the frame.
I think a little more contrast would lift this image.
5. Rainbow falls – Merit
The colour pallet of this image is striking, with the rainbow creating a wonderful mixture of rich colours.
The branch silhouetted against the falls makes a great point of interest, where my eye is drawn into.
Your choice to include the strip of water across the base, adds perspective and balance.
The exposure on the water fall is slightly too bright, loosing most of the detail, while the area at the top left seems a little too dark.
6. Southern Range – Accepted
This image is full of interest, with each horizontal band telling a different story.
The lighting on the ranges accentuates the folds of the terrain.
For me the top half of the image is very appealing, with the lovely blue hues of sky and the ranges, but I find the golden strip across the centre of the image a little distracting, as it is the brightest part of the image, but has the least elements of interest. The darker base works well to balance the image.
7. Orangutan – Accepted
The composition of this image works well, with the orangutan’s limbs reaching out to the corners of the image. The tree branches also mirror the shapes of the limbs, giving a feel of harmony.
A great capture of light in the eyes.
The bright highlights in the background are a little distracting
You have also lost some detail on the belly, just a bit too dark.
8. Osk Foird Artic Circle – Honours – Runner-up –
This image has breath taking simplicity with soft emotive lighting
The foam acts a leading line, taking my eye around the coastline to the entrance of the fiord, which is placed nicely on the third.
The image is minimalistic but also has subtle detail in the water, with the ripples and reflections
9. Tasman Glacier – Accepted
You have captured great detail in the landscape, the glacier and the clouds.
For me there is a little too much water in the foreground, as it is a very light tone, drawing my eye to that area. A good crop across the base would greatly improve this image.
10. W Waller – Merit
This old shed has an amazing rich and complimentary colour Pallet.
The sign ‘Art in the Dark’ makes me want to open that door and go inside, so it has a feeling of mystery and intrique. The composition is not particularly creative, I feel you needed to shoot from a more interesting angle , maybe get right down low and shoot upwards
11. Rain droplets – Accepted
The composition here works well with the leaves fanning outwards from the centre.
The leaf with droplets to the bottom left is pin sharp, with lovely detail captured. The rest of the image is not quite in focus, but not blurred enough to convince me that that was your intention. I feel the image would have more impact if it had been sharp throughout, especially the tiny droplets on the edges of the leaves.
12. Falcon rewarded.- Accepted
A lovely capture of a decisive moment. The background falls away nicely helping make the falcon stand out. A little more sharpness on the foremost wing would have improved this image greatly. The image is superbly cropped.
13. Scruff – Highly commended
I really enjoy the monotone nature of this image.
The side lighting is working well, showing up all the textures of the dogs coat and the gravel.
There is a nice feeling of warmth and friendship between dog and the photographer.
The shallow depth of field, has allowed the dog to stand out against the blurred background. The image is well balanced with the dogs eyes positioned just off center.
14. The shore – Merit
The unusual colours of these rocks makes a very interesting and colourful landscape.
I like the way you have included fore ground, midground and background, and all are pin sharp.
The rocks form a great curving lead in line around the shoreline, finishing with the brighter rock at the end of the outcrop, placed nicely on the third. The slow shutter speed you have chosen, has worked well to give the water a lovely silky appearance. I feel the brighter water on the right is a little overexposed, losing all detail.
15. The weir – Accepted
A very well thought out composition, with the logs framing the weir.
The colour pallet is restful and harmonious.
The chosen shutter speed works perfectly on the falling water , but some detail has been lost at the base of the falls.
16. Gokart – Highly commended
Very skillful use of he panning technique.
I think a little more room in front of the gokart could have helped this image.
Beautiful and sharp.
17. Iconic wharf – Highly commended
This image has a lovely sharp foreground, with the wharf and the wonderful reflections well placed, to lead you to the misty serenity of the mountains beyond.
There is slight overexposure on the lighter area of water on the right, losing detail in the ripples.
I like the placement of the shoreline in the image.
18. Old and New – Highly commended
You have used the reflections in this scene to make a piece of art.
The shapes have all become entwined, making it really interesting and engaging.
I am drawn into the scene through the middle arch, which looks tranquil and inviting.
I find the people on the bridge distracting, and would prefer if they weren’t there.
My eye tends to bounce back and forth between them and the scene through the arch.
19. Pears – Honours
A perfectly balanced image with the subject beautifully side lit.
A beautiful simplistic composition with wonderful textures.
The white border gives the image a nice clean cut feel, but my preference would be to have the border thinner, or a pale brown shade, so it is not overpowering the lovely subtle tones of the subject.
20. View through the door – Highly commended
I like the concept of this image, but I feel the composition could be improved, with the view through the door being more dominant in the image. Maybe a crop off the right side.
The corner with the stone adds interest, and the textures and colours of the walls give the image a painterly feeling.
Maybe if you had waited a while, something more interesting may have happened in the view through the door
21. Arriving Home – Highly commended
This image has a lovely serene feel to it and tells a great story.
The colour pallet works well and the image is nice and sharp.
I think if you cropped a little bit more off at the base, the composition would be improved.
Having the boats in the mist on either side gives a great balance to the image.
22. Hot smoking – accepted
A nice composition and a good capture of smoke patterns.
The lighting on the roses is a little too bright, loosing detail and also competitng with the smoke. I think these need to be toned down quite a bit.
23. Long road to the win – Honours
Perfectly panned, nice and sharp, with the car standing out well against muted background.
The green top and bottom works well, and balances the image, but I do feel you could crop off about half of the green at the base.
24. Coming back at the golden hour. – accepted
The central placement of the boat gives this image a very symmetrical appearance.
The light on the water leads my eye straight up to the boat.
I feel the silhouette, needs to be blacker and sharper to give more impact.
25. Tug boat M welcomes U2NYC – Honours
The composition and colour palette of this image are very pleasing with the repetition of reds and yellows throughout the image. And the vertical reflections helping to link the subjects.
I enjoy the story and I think the night photography has been well handled.
26. A flutter of feathers – Highly commended
A lovely combination of creativity and capture.
I love the subtle mood of this image, and the composition is great
The hint of coastline in the distance helps add context.
I’m wondering if you could have increased the blacks a little in the birds, just to make them stand out a bit more
27. Komorebi maungateperi mt – Honours
The light shafts in this image are breath taking, giving the image a magical feeling.
There are a few blown out high lights, but the general feeling the image gives off, seems to overshadow those technical details.
28. Secret Garden – Honours – Winner –
The exposure of this image is subtle and soft. I feel drawn to walk through the arches into the garden beyond . The spashes of yellow and red are a great settling point.
Texture and detail has been captured from front to back, and I think the central composition works to perfection.
29. Nature frames Cathedral Cove – Merit
You have used the rock arch to make a great frame for the scene beyond.
The inclusion of the boat adds interest, and the sand at the base adds perspective .
For me, the exposure is a little too bright, losing the richness of the colours
30. Symmetry in Shadows – Honours
This is a stunning symmetrical image, and the choice to present it as a black and white is perfect for this subject. There is just enough shadow to accentuate the forms.
The little tree in the distance is a very subtle focal point.
My only suggestion with this image would be to tone down the white sky at both top corners to balance with the shadows at the base.