Annette Johnston FPSNZ
Thank you for inviting me to assess your Book Title images.
Whilst you were not asked specifically to design a book cover, in many ways a book cover is
what I had in mind as I approached these assessments. I was looking for an image that
would make me stop and look; that certain ‘something’ that would entice me to pick up one
particular book from within the many on offer.
I also spent time considering the choices authors make with their titles. I think titles speak.
Sometimes they speak in whispers, sometimes in a loud voice. They can insinuate or infer
what is within a book, they can deceive or deflect from the truth, and they can declare with
precision what the pages will reveal.
I therefore spent time researching each title, finding out as best I could, what the original
author was communicating.
Whilst some of you took a literal approach to an actual book and its title, others branched
out and reimagined the title in another way entirely. Some of the images I have been
presented with have been taken with real purpose, and others I suspect are part of your
catalogue of images, and were maybe near enough to, or caused you to find, a book title to
suit. Whilst both methods have merit, I find that setting myself a task to go and photograph
something with intention, as in the first option, is when my strongest images are created.
Lastly, assessment or evaluation of images is something akin to a conversation. I have given
what is intended as a thoughful, considered, opinion that I hope, you will receive with an
openness that will allow you to consider my words, and then freely, come to your own
conclusion as to the validity of my opinion