Here’s how to enter a competition
Two (2) only images may be entered in each category of Open competitions. This means two Prints and two Projected images if you so wish. These can comprise two coloured or two mono OR one coloured and one mono in each.
For Set Subjects and Trophy competitions, two only projected images may be entered. These can comprise two coloured or two mono OR one colour and one mono.
Prior to uploading to the competition, make sure your image has been resized and the file has been renamed as follows:
Size for projected images: 72dpi (dots per inch) and 2048 pixels on the longest side.
Please follow this file naming convention for all entries.
{(t,s or o)(your membership number)(grade – n, i or s)(_Title)(_m if monochrome)}
( TYPE OF COMPETITION: t = trophy s = set subject o = open )
(GRADE: n = novice i = intermediate s = salon)
The file name for an open competition would be:
The file name for a monochrome entry in an open competition would be:
The file name for a set subject competition would be:
The file name for a monochrome entry in a set subject competition would be:
For your title, please Capitalise each word as appropriate, but do not use spaces. EG: TheWindAndSea
PLEASE, no spaces, commas, hyphens or full stops in any image file names because the system may generate errors. Keep the title simple.
On the front page in the MEMBERS dropdown, click on Enter Competitions.
Select the appropriate month – (if you see ‘Sorry this form is not open for uploads’ then you are too late to enter that competition)
Complete the left hand column first using the drop-down boxes. Next, click on ‘Choose file’ which will allow you to select the image you wish to enter, from your computer. Once this has loaded, copy the title into the centre column, spacing the words.
If you are entering a second image, repeat the above instructions, then click on Submit and allow time for all to load.